A Study on Mark 16:1-14

To engage well with this study you will find it easier if you have first read Mark 16:1-14,  listened to: Do You Believe In The Resurrection? and read So what about the ending of Mark’s Gospel?

  1. How do you feel about the seeming choice of endings shown in most English Bibles?
  2. What do you feel was the main thrust of theses verses (you can disagree with the preacher! – Just discuss why if you do)?
  3. As a group, as you move through this passage, try and explain to each other what each of the scenes looks like, how individuals might feel etc.
  4. What questions do you have about what was going on? As a group try and answer those questions from the bible.
  5. Why was Jesus so concerned about the disciples’ lack of trust… How might we find ourselves lacking in trust, and what is the effect?
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A study – Mark 14:32-52

If you missed the sermon, you can pick it up here: It started with a kiss….

  1. Read the passage: Mark makes a point of translating the Hebrew word Abba, to ensure everyone knows what this word means – why is it a significant word and what does it tell us about the kind of relationship God wants to have with us?
  2. Discuss and work out what we can learn from:
    1. the words of Jesus prayer – what exactly did Jesus mean?
    2. why did the disciples keep sleeping?
    3. why did Jesus pray the same things more than once?
  3. What if anything surprises you about Jesus arrest?
  4. If Peter was willing to draw a sword and fight, what made all the disciples run away?
  5. What can we learn from this passage for our lives in the here and now in Ely?
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Highs and Lows: A study on Mark 9:1-29

This week’s study is based on the sermon Might you be suffering from IF…itis?  and Mark 9:1-29.

  1. What was going on before the “Jesus went on to say” in verse1?
  2. What did it mean Jesus was transformed? What was the point of it?
  3. Moses and Elijah turn up… Why?
  4. What’s with the talking cloud?
  5. What was the problem with the boy in verse 17?
  6. Would the boy have been free of the demon if these disciples had prayed about it?
  7. What’s the only way to never be disappointed in yourself?
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Bible Study Mark 8:22-38

This study is based on the above passage and you may find it helpful to listen to the accompanying sermon: Three Steps…

  1. Take a few minutes to recap on what has been going on since Mark 7:1.
  2. Discuss the healing of the blind man: what was unusual, what was similar to other healings, as well as the man being healed what was going on here?
  3. What do you know about Caesarea Philippi and the journey?
  4. Why do you think the disciples got the right answer about who Jesus is, and what was wrong about their ideas as to what that would mean for Him (and them)?
  5. Discuss Peter’s response to Jesus talking about the cross – what might we learn?
  6. There are three steps to following Jesus – discuss the difficulties we face in following them and how we can encourage, challenge and help each other along in our following Him together.
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