A study on Mark 6:1-13

A study based on the sermon: Go!

  1. Read Mark 6:1-6 Discuss the reaction of the local people to Jesus what was their first reaction and then what was their response? What can we learn from this?
  2. How do you think Jesus might have felt about being rejected? How did He respond?
  3. Read 6:7-13 Discuss the way Jesus sent the disciples out, what they had authority to do and what they were instructed to do.
  4. What was the result?
  5. Spend a good amount of time discussing what we can learn from this passage and apply to our own lives and walk with The Lord.
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A Study on Mark 4:21-34

A Study on Mark 4:21-34 based on the sermon The Kingdom of God

  1. Discuss your understanding of the reasons why Jesus began to speak in parables?
  2. Read vs 21-25        In this parable how do you understand the imagery of the lamp and what does this mean for Christians today?
  3. Why is it important for us to “consider carefully what we hear”? What are the consequences of doing or not doing this?
  4. Read vs 26-29        Once the seed (God’s word) has been sown, is that the end of our responsibility? If not, what else can we do to enable the seed to bear fruit?
  5. Read vs 30-34        Consider the size of the church when these words were spoken and how far it has spread in the following centuries.
  6. Discuss what you consider are the greatest threats to church growth today?
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Bible Study – Mark 2:1-12

A study based on the sermon: Called to bring the roof down!

  1. In verse 1 it says Jesus came home, but Jesus home was in Nazareth; why does Mark say this?
  2. Verse 2: What was Jesus preaching to the people? What should we preach to people and what happens if we preach something different?
  3. Verses 3&4: discuss the faith these men had and the effect their faith had on the different people around i.e. the paralysed man, Jesus, the four friends, the religious leaders, others in the house.
  4. How should this impact our own faith and our own approach to bringing people to Jesus?
  5. Verse 5: Jesus forgives the man’s sin – what does that mean?
  6. Verses 6-12: Jesus proves His authority, what do His words and actions prove? How should that impact our lives?
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You were put in this Church for a purpose – are you fulfilling it?

A Study based on our verses for the year (Hebrews 10:23-25) and this Sermon: Your Church Needs You!

  1. Take the passage and use it as a ‘sounding board’ to answer the following:
    1. What is Christian hope and how does it differ from the way hope is often used?
    2. The passage doesn’t talk about us doing what we want or getting what we want but focuses on other brothers and sisters in our church, why is that and what difference should that make to the way we relate to each other as a church?
    3. Sometimes we get restless as individuals and decide that we want something else, maybe a different style or more going on, a bigger church or a smaller church. Why is acting on what we want almost certainly the wrong thing? (if there are any brave characters in the group they might share about past occasions when they have left churches for personal preference rather than because they were called for a purpose);
    4. How can we motivate, encourage, and provoke (in a positive way) one another? And how might we demotivate, discourage and provoke (in a negative way) one another?
    5. Should we expect Christ’s return soon?
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