Romans 12:3-8 ~ A Study

  1. When we think about ourselves or others what is the normal way we make judgements? How should we make a proper evaluation of ourselves?
  2. Does everyone have ‘gifts’? Why is it important that we use the gifts we have?
  3. Discuss the kinds of things we might think of as gifts within the church.
  4. If you don’t have a certain listed gift, does that mean you don’t have to do that thing? For example, giving or encouragement or kindness. Discuss this as a group and decide why.
  5. As well as using our gifts to build each other up, in the sermon we discussed the need to be there for one another; be accountable to one another; look out for one another. Talk each of these through and discuss where as church we might need to ‘up our game’…

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John 14:1-6 A Study

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up here.

  1. Read through the passage and discuss why Jesus starts off with the words He does. i.e. what is the background to this passage.
  2. What does the bible tell us about heaven?
  3. As a group, discuss what you feel about eternity.
  4. Jesus makes it clear to us here that there is no other way to be saved. How can we use this passage when speaking to people who are not Christians.
  5. As you have looked at the questions above you will have seen some areas of application for us. Which other ways should we be applying this passage?
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A Study on Romans 10:14-21

If you missed the message on this passage please pick it up here

  1. Read Romans 10:14-21.
  2. What is the point being made in verses 14-18?
  3. How does faith come?
  4. Why does Israel not obey the gospel?
  5. Does verse 18 suggest that the gospel had been preached unto all the world by the time Paul wrote this letter?
  6. How might we properly apply this passage to our lives today?
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Romans 6:15-23 – A Study

If you missed the sermon, you can pick it up here.

Read through the passage and pray asking the Lord to open it up to you.

  1. Why does Paul ask his question in verse 15?
  2. What images come to mind when we think of slavery? Compare this to what you know of slavery in the first century A.D.
  3. Look through the passages again and pick out the various contrasts between being a slave to sin and a slave to God. Talk through each one.
  4. In which ways can and should we apply this passage to out lives?

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