Are you wise?

A Study based of this sermon: Are you wise?

Bible Reading Hosea 13 &14

  1. Looking at the first five verses of chapter 13: what had Ephraim been what had they become, what will they become and where is there an application for the Christian today?
  2. Discuss verse 6 and how we might take a warning from it.
  3. How does chapter 13 sit with Ezekiel 33:11? ~spend some time talking this through and discussing why a good understanding of how this fits together will help us in our own walk and in our evangelism.
  4. Take a good look at chapter 14. What is the main point, and where is the application for us today?
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God’s leading

A study on Hosea 11 and 12, based on the sermon: Come Back!

  1. How much can you see of future fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled prophecy? why is it important for the modern church to have a right understanding of prophecy?
  2. Talk through chapter 11 verse 2; how could that happen? does it happen today?
  3. Discus how God’s relationship with His people is similar and dissimilar to a human parent-child relationship;
  4. How does God’s anger differ from human anger? Is human anger ever right? discuss;
  5. Discus chapter 12 verse 4; how had Bethel changed from Jacob’s time to Hosea’s


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Study Questions – Make or Break?

The Sermon was looking at Hosea 9:1 & 10:12

here it is in case you missed it – Make or Break!?

  1. take a few minutes to re-cap on Hosea. Why do you think it’s so repetitive?
  2. Read Chapter 9 verse 1 and also 2 Kings 15:19-20 which is the background – what was going on, who were the people trusting, why and what would be the result?
  3. Are there any parallels for the UK today?
  4. Read Chapter 10 verse 12 and take some time to discuss this verse in the context of individual lives, the life of our church and the life of our nation. How might we or might we not follow this command?
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