Up against it!

If you’ve not picked up the sermon on this passage yet, you can find it here – UP AGAINST IT!

We’re looking at Acts 4: 1-22.

  1. When did this account happen? As a group sketch out a rough timeline between ‘Good Friday’ and this account.
  2. What do we know about the characters mentioned in this description.
  3. Can we learn anything about how the authorities were dealing with the resurrection of Jesus, and how they were explaining it?
  4. Discuss healing. Does God always heal, never heal or sometimes heal today, and why does He do it, or not…?
  5. There were a lot of brief points thrown out in the sermon, which were considered helps for us today. Can you recall any? Or list a number of your own as a group?
  6. After discussion, spend some time in prayer focussing on the persecuted church, and our own situation as people called to be “Salt & Light”
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