Judges 6:33-40 ~ A Study

If you missed the sermon on this passage you can pick it up here

  1. Before reading through the passage discuss what you know about Gideon.
  2. Read the passage.
  3. Who were the Midianites and the Amalekites, and why did they come to the valley of Jezreel?
  4. What is surprising about Gideon’s decision to ‘put out the fleece’?
  5. What is surprising about God’s response?
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2 Chronicles 25 – A Study

Amaziah – not exactly wholehearted….

  1. Read the passage through as a group.
  2. If you had to describe Amaziah’s character in a sentence, what would you say?
  3. How does Amaziah’s reign with it’s gradual drift away from God show of the danger of a halfhearted faith?
  4.  Read Jeremiah 17:9 and discuss.
  5. Talk through the application we can take from this passage.
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Hebrews 12:1-4 ~ A Study

If you missed the sermon for this study please pick it up here

  1. Talk through those things you know the bible says about remembering (this could take you several weeks of study 🙂 );
  2. The sermon referred back to Hebrews 11. Spend some time checking out some of the people mentioned and discuss what was special about them;
  3. In the sermon we brought out a number of areas of application. Discuss those mentioned and others you have discovered as a group.
  4. Spend some time in prayer for each other and the work and mission of our church. 
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Acts 11:19 – 30 ~ A Study

If you missed Gordon’s sermon on this passage you can pick it up here.

Readings (Acts 4:32-37; 9:26-31; 11:19-30; 13:1-3; 14:8-20; 15:36-41)

  1. From these passages, discuss the type of person Barnabas must have been. What things stand out about Barnabas? 
  2. What are the ways Barnabas lived up to his nickname, “son of encouragement,” and in what ways did this affect the other people in his life? 
  3. Why is Barnabas significant in the life of Paul and subsequently in the Gentile mission? 
  4. Although the text doesn’t go into detail, what do you think the source of disagreement was over John who was also called Mark? What does this say about Barnabas?  
  5. List some specific ways you/we could incorporate some of the lessons we learn from Barnabas.
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