Building, Watching and Walking

This week’s study picks up on these two sermons:

Which Way? Jeremiah 6:16

Unless The Lord… Psalm 127

  1. Read Psalm 127 and Jeremiah :6:16 – 21
  2. Who are these verses aimed at, believers or non-believers? Why is it important that God’s people (The Church), put their own house in order [try to look at this from every possible angle]?
  3. If God is the builder and the watchmen why do we need to do anything?
  4. what is meant, in Jeremiah 6:16, by “the old godly way“, and how do we find it?
  5. For Christian’s the message in these few verses is ‘blindingly obvious’, so why do we often find ourselves doing the wrong thing and continuing to think we know best when it comes to certain, if not every, aspects of our lives?
  6. As a House group talk through how you might encourage, guide, and support each other in the year ahead as you seek to let the Lord build and watch and walk in the ‘old ways’ with Him

This term’s prayer pointers:

  • Give regular thanks for answered prayer;
  • Pray that The Lord will build His Church at New Connexions: spiritually, physically and numerically;
  • Seek the Lord for direction as to outreach in the year ahead.



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Mary, Joseph, Anna and Simeon – A Study

The sermon this study is based on can be found at: Are you looking forward?

  1. Read through the passage as a whole and as a group make a note of:
    • all the things that relate back to the Old Testament [OT] (hint – such things as why were Mary and Joseph there; what were Simeon and Anna expecting etc. etc. ) check out OT passages to give background;
    • what is there by way of praise;
    • what are the prophecies and have they been fulfilled;
    • what similarities are there between Simeon and Anna?
  2. What can we learn from the key players in this passage in respect of our lives today?
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Broad Shoulders

A short study on Isaiah 9:1-7

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up at: It is written it will happen!

  1. Where are verses 1 and 2 quoted in the New Testament? What does this teach us about the meaning of the passage?
  2. What blessing is promised in verses 3-5? (Discuss the reference to Midian. cf. Judges 7)
  3. Who is predicted in verses 6 and 7? Explain what these verses teach about His role.
  4. Talk about the significance of each name used for Him [* Wonderful Counsellor –* Mighty God –* Everlasting Father –* Prince of Peace], what do they mean for Israel,  for us today and in their future fulfilment?
  5. If you haven’t covered it in your discussions, pick up on the application for us today, this advent.
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Micah 7 – A Study

Some questions from Russell for this week’s study groups, based on his sermon Challenging to the end

  1. Why was Micah feeling miserable? As Christians discuss what makes you feeling sad?
  2. Explain what analogy Micah uses in V1 to describe Israel’s and Judah’s situation. What similarities can we see today?
  3. Where does Micah get his help v7 and how can we apply that in our lives?
  4. Discuss the uniqueness of God – what separates Him from the other false gods?
  5. In our ‘plural’ society where there are many beliefs, ideologies and faiths that exist- Why is it important that we understand God is absolute.
  6. What periods in our history does God demonstrates his restoration work? Discuss our future restoration.
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