The Good Shepherd and the Gospel

Here is the sermon, in case you missed it: Your Choice

1.       Read through the ‘Good shepherd passage’ John 10: 7-18. As a group discuss the passage, unpicking the various aspects i.e. who are the sheep, who is the hired man etc. etc.

2.       Sunday’s message focused on verse 10. What is this ‘rich and satisfying life’ that Jesus talks about? How might Christians be missing out on experiencing this life in the present?

3.       The Gospel message is more than ‘God is Love’ – Discuss.

4.       People need to hear the Gospel. A) how can we as individuals tell them? B) how as a church can we encourage and enable each other to share that Good News.

5.       Spend some time in prayer thanking God for those who visited on Sunday and also praying for those individuals.

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Study Questions – Mark 13:21-37

The sermon this week can be found here: Watch out…. FOR HIM!

  1. The ‘Olivet Discourse’ has been a challenging passage for the preachers – how has it been for you; i.e. have you learnt anything new, disagreed with anything you have heard? been confused or surprised by anything? Talk these things through as a group.
  2. Read Mark 13:21-37.
  3. Watching out for deception has been mentioned a lot, in which ways might we or others be deceived.
  4. The sermon ended with three points of application. Discuss what they were and how as a group and as a church we might help each other with these?
  5. In which other ways should we apply this passage?
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Highs and Lows: A study on Mark 9:1-29

This week’s study is based on the sermon Might you be suffering from IF…itis?  and Mark 9:1-29.

  1. What was going on before the “Jesus went on to say” in verse1?
  2. What did it mean Jesus was transformed? What was the point of it?
  3. Moses and Elijah turn up… Why?
  4. What’s with the talking cloud?
  5. What was the problem with the boy in verse 17?
  6. Would the boy have been free of the demon if these disciples had prayed about it?
  7. What’s the only way to never be disappointed in yourself?
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Building – Week of Prayer Day 6; 2018

Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.

Psalm 127:1

In the midst of your busyness, do you ever find yourself skipping the odd prayer meeting or housegroup? Do you find your quiet times get shorter or stop completely, might your bible be less well read?

As the busyness and stresses and strains increase, does communication with God come only in short sighs of desperation? Ever considered that there is a very clear link?

There is a sense of peace that comes when we lean on God in our busyness and in our stress. Are you working hard? Is it for God? That’s great! But here’s the question, is it really for Him? Are you letting Him be in control, or are you calling the shots and making His plans for Him?

If He’s not the one in control, if He’s not the one building the house, then your work is pointless, you’re wasting your time, just as Solomon reminds us in his psalm. When this happens instead of experiencing all that God has for you, you are unnecessarily exhausting yourself, like a builders labourer who ignores the plans, digs hard all day but at the end of it has achieved nothing but a big whole…

We have a God who is the best architect, able to build the most amazing creations out of nothing, He laid His life down to give us  a perfect foundation and when He builds, the gates of hell will not prevail against it Matthew 16:18. So step back… take a breath… ask Him again to slow you down, refocus you on His perfect plan and work alongside Him in it.

As a Church, it  serves us well too, to remember that in our seeking for land and a building we must never step out of His plan, never drag behind Him and Never rush ahead – It is a scriptural truth that be it physically or spiritually “unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.”

So today as you take time with the Lord, seek Him on this aspect of our life as a church, ask Him to build us up and thank Him that in all things He will provide and protect His people.


Children’s Prayer Activity

Day 6

Look in the mirror today and thank God for all the  things He helps you with and give Him a smile 🙂 in the mirror as you thank Him for making you such a special person.

What next? Remember to talk and listen to God every day, as He loves to get to know you better. You could learn this short bible verse about prayer

Never stop praying.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT

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