A Study On Revelation 8:1-5

This study is based on the sermon: Does Praying Achieve Anything?

  1. Read Revelation 8:1-5 – what do the group know of the book Revelation?
  2. Where else in the bible is incense and prayer spoken of?
  3. Take a look at each verse of the reading and talk it through as a group.
  4. Does Prayer achieve anything? If so, what?
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Pray Together

This study is based on the sermon: God’s priority for praying together

  1. Read Act 6: 1-5
  2. What does the bible, generally have to say on corporate prayer (prayer meetings)?
  3. Why do church prayer meetings in the west lack attendance? Are prayer meetings important…? Discuss. If so who should get along to prayer meetings?
  4. What should prayer meetings be like, is there a general rule of what to do?
  5. Discuss the difference between prayer and church growth in Europe, North America, Australasia and Asia, The Middle East, and Africa.
  6. Do you feel challenged by this study?
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Final greetings, anything to learn?

A study based on the Sermon : Top (Teamwork Obedience and Prayer) Christians 

  1. Looking back at the whole book of Colossians, what are the key points?
  2. What can we learn about ministry from verses 7&8?
  3. What is Paul’s attitude to imprisonment? What might we learn from that?
  4. Mark’s clearly part of the team, but what can we learn about his ‘backstory’? [Acts 12.25; 13:13; 15:38-39]. How should we learn from what we see of Mark’s journey in faith and ministry?
  5. Verse 12 – prayer what does praying earnestly mean?
  6. Verse 14 – what do we know about both Demas and Luke [from further study in the NT]?
  7. Discuss how verse 17 might apply to us.
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Bible Study: Colossians 4:5&6

A study based on the sermon: Live Wisely & Speak to People About God

Reading Colossians 4:5-6

  1. What is wisdom?
  2. Where can we find wisdom?
  3. In the sermon we spent some time looking at what it means to fear God (Psalm 111:10); what does it mean and why is it important for us to have a proper understanding of that?
  4. What does it mean to make the most of every opportunity, and also what does it not mean?
  5. Discuss verse 6 as a group and talk through how we might practically apply to our lives here and now.
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