Romans 1:16-17 ~ A Study

This study is based on the above passage and this Sermon

  1. Do you ever consider the things God wants to do in your life and the power He has to do those things? Why may we not allow God to do those things?
  2. For what reasons might we be ashamed of the Gospel?
  3. What does a life obediently lived for the sake of the Gospel look like?
  4. A number of awkward questions were asked in the sermon, as a group try to recall them and discuss them.
  5. Pray for your group and the wider church, that we will live our lives true to our calling.
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A Study on Habakkuk 3

Here’s the sermon if you missed it: Have you heard from God? Are You Filled by God?

  1. Read verses 1&2. What does Habakkuk say about God, and what effect does it have on him? What is the application here for us?
  2. Read verses 3 to 15 and trace back the various bible references Habakkuk picks up on.
  3. Why is it important to look at what God has done in the past?
  4. Read verses 16-19. How does Habakkuk’s attitude shift from chapters 1&2 to here? What has caused the change.
  5. Discuss as a group how the study on this book has challenged, encouraged and helped, and also consider any areas where you may have struggled.
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Habakkuk 2:2-20 A Study

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up here: Blighted or Blessed?

  1. Habakkuk was clearly good at listening to God. What are the kind of things which can stop us from listening to God, and what can we change to help us listen?
  2. Take a look through each of the 5 woes or sorrows and discuss, as a group, what each ‘woe’ might teach us today – particularly discuss the areas you can support each others in the group to consider and avoid modern idols?
  3. What does it mean to be righteous, and what does a life lived by faith in Christ look like?

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A Study on Habakkuk 1:12 – 2:1

This study is based on the passage above and this sermon: I trust you Lord, but…

  1. In which ways does Habakkuk describe God?
  2. What do Habakkuk’s descriptions of God tell us about Habakkuk’s theology?
  3. Look at the questions Habakkuk asks and as a group try to answer them.
  4. Discuss verse 2:1 what is Habakkuk saying here?
  5. Talk through the application of this passage for us here today in 21st century England.
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