Election 2019


…for kings and rulers in positions of responsibility, so that our common life may be lived in peace and quiet, with a proper sense of God and of our responsibility to him for what we do with our lives.

1Timothy 2:1-2

Yippee, it’s election time again, and so I’m expecting the usual questions to be raised about ‘the right way for Christians to vote’. This time around though it’s made more exciting by #Brexit, so let’s just deal with that up front. Brexit will be something that you will have a legitimate view on and it will no doubt, and not unreasonably have a major impact on where you put your cross; that being said, and I know that this may be controversial, but Brexit is not the most important issue for Christians (those who know me well will appreciate how difficult it was for me to write that…).

Let me explain why I say that: It is clear from the mainstream media, social media, conversation and experience, that in the past decade there has been a seismic shift in our society as a result of significant and often underreported changes in law, guidance and judgements from both our parliament, governments and judiciary. This shift that has radically diminished freedom of speech and expression, has led to more babies being killed in abortion, has normalised a huge number of behaviours that are contrary to scripture and are a danger to our society and raised up all manner of political organisations as the new ‘gods’ of our age. Alongside this our politicians discourse has become all too often sordid, ungracious and duplicitous.

But Christians can neither sit back and blame everyone else, nor absolve ourselves for our part, because, in fact, the part the Church in the UK has played in bringing about this sad shift in our society has not been insignificant. Sadly instead of being ‘salt and light’ in our country many Christians have found that they are afraid of ‘speaking the truth in love’ for fear of abuse, loss of employment or worse, and these fears are not irrational as you will discover if you speak with any who have done so…

So, you may be asking, what has this to do with the upcoming election? Simply this: Christian’s let’s take this opportunity to re-evaluate, reboot and remember what it means to live as resurrection people, we’re here to be Christ’s witnesses in this world, we are to live renewed lives because, by His Grace and Mercy, Christ is renewing us to live as Kingdom people. But what does a Kingdom person do in the midst of an election campaign?

I would suggest the following, and this is no perfect or definitive list:

  • Pray for all your local candidates, and keep praying for them;
  • Be gracious in any communication, show Jesus’ love by the way you speak or write;  
  • Don’t get party political, unless you are called to serve politically;
  • Ask all the questions of the candidates that you can think of asking, particularly around their standing on:
    • The breakdown of the traditional family unit – what are the candidates views on why this has happened and how would they support traditional marriage and family? 
    • The sanctity of life – abortion and euthanasia;
    • Education – the teaching of relationships and sex across schools, the secularisation of the curriculum etc.
    • Freedom of expression – the diminishing freedom to express biblical beliefs and views to which some people object, and also to speak of Jesus Christ and share the Gospel.
    • The worldwide persecution of the church;
    • Do they have a faith?

Also, check out the following organisations who have great ministries helping and supporting us be the Christ’s Church in this land:

Christian Concern;



True Freedom Trust;

The Christian Institute;

The Coalition for Marriage.


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A Study on Nahum 3

  1. In what ways can God’s pronouncement of certain and inescapable judgement on the ancient civilisation of Assyria be a source of comfort and encouragement to God’s church today?
  2. Assyria was condemned because of their failure to stay true to the God to whom they had repented in Jonah’s day and for their turning to idols and superstitions.
  3. Discuss how you consider our own nation is in danger of following the same pattern. Assyria was trusting in her military strength and the support of strong allies to give victory when judgement loomed. What things might people today be tempted to rely on when they stand before God?
  4. Read 2 Peter3 vs 3-9. God’s word is clear that judgement is certain and inescapable, but many today have the same attitude as the scoffers of Peter’s day.How can we be more effective in communicating the urgency of the need for repentance and acceptance of Jesus as the only way of escaping judgement?


Election Resources

If you’re wondering what all the parties and policies are all about in the upcoming Election, here are some information sources and resources looking at the election from a Christian perspective:



  • This is a really helpful briefing from the Christian Institute :Election Briefing
  • Not sure which candidates are standing? check here: Who are my candidates?
  • Want to know which questions to ask your candidates? Again the Christian Institute have provided a great resource Question cards
  • Christian Concern have their Election Page here :Power of the Cross
  • The three Christian sections of the three main parties have got together to promote Christians in politics  no matter the colour they represent! Christians in politics
  • The Evangelical Alliance has an Election Site: https://election.eauk.org
  • Check how your MP has voted on moral issues: How has my MP voted?
  • This is the UK Parliament Election Page which provides details on the nitty gritty of how it all works – If you’re a political nerd like me you might like it… UK Parliament – Election 2017


Bullet points – A study on Matthew 5:6-8

This study is based on the sermon: Need an attitude adjustment?

Reading: Matthew 5:6-8

  1. How do you feel when the Lord reminds you through His Word, or a sermon about a need to change your attitude?
  2. Verse 6:
    1. what does it mean to hunger and thirst?
    2. what might cause us to lose our appetite for God, and the things of God?
    3. how can that be remedied?
  3. Verse 7:
    1. what is mercy?
    2. what is the condition on us being shown mercy?
    3. what if we don’t feel merciful?
  4. Verse 8:
    1. what does a pure heart look like?
    2. how can you have a pure heart?
    3. what does it mean to see God; is that a promise for now or for the future?
  5. Homework: ask the Lord to show you any areas in your life where there needs to be an ‘attitude adjustment’, and follow that up with a commitment to let Him do that work with you and for you.