Mark 14:22-31 – A Bible Study

If you missed the sermon, you can pick it up here: Don’t Argue With God!

  1. What was different about the Passover meal at the ‘last supper’?
  2. As they finished the meal they sang from Psalms 115-118. Take a look at those psalms and pick out anything particularly that might have been poignant for Jesus (knowing He was going to the cross within hours)
  3. We spent a good amount of time looking at Peter’s argument with Jesus about the fact he would deny Jesus. discuss why Peter became so forceful in his argument.
  4. How might we argue with God, bargain with Him, or claim to know better than Him.
  5. Why, when and how might we ever refuse to accept what the Lord is teaching us?
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A Study – Mark 14:1-21

This study is based on the sermon: Two Ordinary People

  1. Passover is an important part of the Jewish year – in which ways is it a reminder of history and how is it also prophetic;
  2. In the sermon we looked at Mary’s ‘act of worship’ we had three headings to consider, what were they? Talk them through as a group. In which ways do these challenge you?
  3.  In the sermon we also looked at Judas’s ‘act of betrayal’. How could the other disciples not have known?
  4. Judas could have repented even after the accusation in verse 18. Discuss…
  5. Judas’ act was foreknown and even foreordained (cf. Psalm 41:9). Nevertheless, Judas was responsible for his decisions. Discuss.
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Study Questions: Olivet Discourse 2

This study is based on Mark 13:13-20 and the sermon: LOOK UP!

Questions set by Misha.

1. Discuss the relevance of studying the OT in significance of Jesus first and second coming, and Gods purpose for Israel.

2. As believers today how important is it to weigh all scripture and prophecy in a balanced fashion…?

3. What is important to us as a church as we face an increase in persecution and being more marginalised as the Lord’s return draws nearer.

4.if time permits take time to pray for Jewish people as they come to the time of the autumn festivals that they will come to know Jesus (Yeshua)as their true Messiah.


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House group Questions on Mark 10 v 1-12

Here is the sermon in case you missed it:  God’s Plan For Marriage and Family

  1. Read the passage then think of other places in the Old and New Testament where relationships play a central role.(Examples you might use in addition to those mentioned in the sermon: 1 Corinthians 7, Matthew 19, Song of Solomon, Colossians 3 etc.).
  2. In the light of those passages you’ve discussed, how would you answer the 2 questions posed by            a) the Pharisees (v2) and b) Jesus (v3)?
  3. Turn to Genesis 1 v 27 (a).What was God’s plan for men and women? Is it any different today? Discuss the complexities that the world brings to this discussion.
  4. What is the point of marriage? Why are some of us called to be single ?(Paul offers plenty on this).What are the main challenges for Christian single people and married couples in 2018?
  5. The disciples had lots more questions for Jesus (v 10). We will also be faced with questions from believers/non-believers. What advice should we be giving to :                                                                         a)those about to marry; b)those divorcing/divorced; c)those attracted to people of the same sex?
  6. Pray together using Colossians 3 v 12-18 about the body of Christ as a lead in.
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