Time to serve?

A study on Mark 9:30-50. If you missed the sermon on Sunday you can find it here: Ready Salted Christians

  1. Why was Jesus going the quiet way back to Capernaum?
  2. Jesus had one topic in mind and the disciples another; discuss what’s going on here;
  3. Discuss verses 35 – 37 what are the key points Jesus is making here?
  4. In verse 38 John changes the subject, discuss Jesus answer and what we can learn from these verses;
  5. In verses 43-48 Jesus talks about radical surgery, what is the point that Jesus is making here? In what sense are we to ‘cut off a foot or a hand’ etc.
  6. What does verse 49 mean? Discuss.
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Highs and Lows: A study on Mark 9:1-29

This week’s study is based on the sermon Might you be suffering from IF…itis?  and Mark 9:1-29.

  1. What was going on before the “Jesus went on to say” in verse1?
  2. What did it mean Jesus was transformed? What was the point of it?
  3. Moses and Elijah turn up… Why?
  4. What’s with the talking cloud?
  5. What was the problem with the boy in verse 17?
  6. Would the boy have been free of the demon if these disciples had prayed about it?
  7. What’s the only way to never be disappointed in yourself?
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Bible Study Mark 8:22-38

This study is based on the above passage and you may find it helpful to listen to the accompanying sermon: Three Steps…

  1. Take a few minutes to recap on what has been going on since Mark 7:1.
  2. Discuss the healing of the blind man: what was unusual, what was similar to other healings, as well as the man being healed what was going on here?
  3. What do you know about Caesarea Philippi and the journey?
  4. Why do you think the disciples got the right answer about who Jesus is, and what was wrong about their ideas as to what that would mean for Him (and them)?
  5. Discuss Peter’s response to Jesus talking about the cross – what might we learn?
  6. There are three steps to following Jesus – discuss the difficulties we face in following them and how we can encourage, challenge and help each other along in our following Him together.
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How do we do this? – Week of Prayer Day 7; 2018

Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As he finished, one of his disciples came to him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

Luke 11:1

Isn’t this a great question? I wonder which disciple it was who asked…

Yes a great question followed by a famous answer. An answer which provides Jesus’ framework to help us with prayer.  But there is something in this request and answer that we can easily sidestep, or overlook – both the question and the answer make an assumption that we will pray. You see The disciples are eager to pray (“Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”) and Jesus is eager to help them, as we find out if we read on (Luke 11:2-11).

A regular question in churches today is “how can I get better a praying?” It’s a great question and rightly Pastors across the world will turn up many passages of scripture to encourage us, to lead us, to remind us and be examples to us. God has provided all of this, but, as with all of the Bible, to profit from what we read we need at have hearts that are eager to understand, and get busy with what we learn – in short, the way to learn about prayer is to pray – do just what this disciple did, ask Jesus and be willing to respond to the answer.

Here are a few more pointers about prayer:

  • Remember that ike everything we do well in our lives, we need to practice prayer.
  • Use the framework set by Jesus for a start, or find one of the psalms that fits the need and pray it relating it to your circumstances.
  • Make prayer a habit every day.
  • Find a time and a space where you can focus.
  • Expect to find prayer rewarding.
  • Expect to find prayer hard work at times.
  • Expect to God to respond, and watch out for those answers.
  • Expect to be challenged by God.
  • Expect to be Encouraged by God.

Direct communication with the Living God! Why wouldn’t we want to pray?

Children’s Prayer Activity  


Adoring God – When you’re saying your prayers to day think of as many things as possible you really love and thank God for them, and remember too to tell God how much you love Him 🙂


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