A DIY Study on Luke 14: 25-35

This week, instead of working through a list of questions set for you, read the passage ( Luke 14: 25-35) and then phrase by phrase, as a group explain it together, and to each other.

If you missed Dave’s sermon here’s the link – Jesus demands we give Him everything

After your study please take some time to pray: for each other, our fellowship and Sierra Leone.

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Zephaniah 3 – A study

The sermon for Zephaniah 3 can be found here: What a way to end!

  1. Looking at verses 1-7 look at and list all the sins and consider how they were sins against God.
  2. Consider what relevance these verses have for us: a) as a church and b) as individuals.
  3. Verses 8-20 – looking at these verses, discuss which of these prophecies has been fulfilled by Christ and which are still to come.
  4. Verses 8-20 – how many times does God say ‘I will?’ talk through each of these and consider the relevance for us today.
  5. Please take some time to pray for us as a fellowship using Psalm 127 1 as a lead in to prayer.
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To be or not to be…. Meek

A study based on the sermon: Are You On The Inheritance List?

Start off by reading Matthew 5:1-12, then re-read verse 5

1 – What is meek and what isn’t?

2 – How would taking the first two beatitudes seriously lead us to be “meek”

3 – Can you be meek and angry at the same time? (James 1:19-21) Meek and have strong convictions? (Galatians 2:11-14)

4 – What does “meekness” look like: -In business… -In school… -In our church… -In your neighbourhood…

5 – How does someone become meek? How can God change you in the following behaviours and attitudes? (Matthew 11:28-30)

Demanding ————————–Understanding

Judgmental ————————–Gentle

Condemning ————————-Respectful

Defensive —————————–Teachable

Vengeful ——————————Merciful

Arrogant ——————————Humble

Self-sufficient ————————Trusting

6 – Where do we learn the attitudes listed on the left and what is our motivation for living out the attitudes on the right?

7 – From the world’s point of view, why is it surprising that the meek will inherit the earth?

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Feasts of Israel – Study 5

Study based on sermon: Jewish Feasts Part 5 – Tabernacles (Sukkot)

Reading: Leviticus 23:33-44

  1. Take a quick tour through the first 6 feasts and relate what they looked back to and also what their prophetic fulfilment is or was.
  2. This feast is known as The Feast or The Great Feast – why do you think that is?
  3. In the Sermon we looked at again at the number seven in relation to this feast, the feasts in general and God’s plan. Discuss as a group how much of this you can remember and how it all fits together.
  4. Jesus (John 7 specifically v.37-39) taught at this feast. How do Jesus words look to the fulfilment of the feast of tabernacles and how does it fit with Zechariah 14:4-9.
  5. What should we, as a church today, take and apply to our lives from our study on the feasts.
  6. If as a group you have unresolved questions on this study please don’t be afraid to ask Pastor.
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