A Committed Christian?

So often in our Christian lives we spend inordinate amounts of time talking about prayer, wanting to seek the Lord and do His will; which I believe are great sentiments, but as we approach the end of the year I’m drawn back to some words we used at the start of our year in our covenant service, words which were borrowed from a great puritan called Richard Alleine:

I am no longer my own but yours. Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will; put me to doing, put me to suffering; let me be employed for you or laid aside for you, exalted for you or brought low for you; let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing; I freely and wholeheartedly give all things to you. Glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are mine and I am yours. So be it. This my covenant with you my God, made here on earth, let it be confirmed in heaven. Amen

Why not take that prayer again, study it, meditate on it, discuss it and consider: as individuals, and as Christ’s Church, have we yet made this prayer our own? How can we encourage one another, and what is the Lord asking of us as individuals walking in covenant with Him? If studying in a group: spend a good time in prayer seeking the Lord for each other and the wider Church. When studying alone: also, of course, pray through the issues that arise in your heart.

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God’s leading

A study on Hosea 11 and 12, based on the sermon: Come Back!

  1. How much can you see of future fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled prophecy? why is it important for the modern church to have a right understanding of prophecy?
  2. Talk through chapter 11 verse 2; how could that happen? does it happen today?
  3. Discus how God’s relationship with His people is similar and dissimilar to a human parent-child relationship;
  4. How does God’s anger differ from human anger? Is human anger ever right? discuss;
  5. Discus chapter 12 verse 4; how had Bethel changed from Jacob’s time to Hosea’s


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Two Commissions

Missed the sermon? Never mind, you can pick it up here: GO!

Read Matthew 28: 11-20

  1. In the first 5 verses discuss how each of the characters mentioned responded to the resurrection, i.e., what did they do, what did they say and why?
  2. In the sermon those first 5 verses were described as what (in comparison with the last 5). Discuss as a group why it is important:
    1. to be aware of what the enemy wants;
    2. understand the enemies tactics;
    3. to fully understand the enemy is defeated?
  3. Some doubted… discuss.
  4. Jesus delivers his “commission” sandwiched between a statement (verse 18) and another encouraging instruction (verse 20b). discuss what difference that should make to us.
  5. Talk through the instruction to Go and… (verses 19 and 20a), considering as you go: what is a disciple, how do you make disciples, what is baptism and why is it important? Why in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?



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Up against it!

If you’ve not picked up the sermon on this passage yet, you can find it here – UP AGAINST IT!

We’re looking at Acts 4: 1-22.

  1. When did this account happen? As a group sketch out a rough timeline between ‘Good Friday’ and this account.
  2. What do we know about the characters mentioned in this description.
  3. Can we learn anything about how the authorities were dealing with the resurrection of Jesus, and how they were explaining it?
  4. Discuss healing. Does God always heal, never heal or sometimes heal today, and why does He do it, or not…?
  5. There were a lot of brief points thrown out in the sermon, which were considered helps for us today. Can you recall any? Or list a number of your own as a group?
  6. After discussion, spend some time in prayer focussing on the persecuted church, and our own situation as people called to be “Salt & Light”
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