A Study on Nahum 3

  1. In what ways can God’s pronouncement of certain and inescapable judgement on the ancient civilisation of Assyria be a source of comfort and encouragement to God’s church today?
  2. Assyria was condemned because of their failure to stay true to the God to whom they had repented in Jonah’s day and for their turning to idols and superstitions.
  3. Discuss how you consider our own nation is in danger of following the same pattern. Assyria was trusting in her military strength and the support of strong allies to give victory when judgement loomed. What things might people today be tempted to rely on when they stand before God?
  4. Read 2 Peter3 vs 3-9. God’s word is clear that judgement is certain and inescapable, but many today have the same attitude as the scoffers of Peter’s day.How can we be more effective in communicating the urgency of the need for repentance and acceptance of Jesus as the only way of escaping judgement?


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God is Jealous – how does that work?

A study on Nahum Chapter 1.

This study is based on the sermon: Is God Really Jealous?

  1. How familiar are the group with this book? Why do you think that is?
  2. What are the first thoughts you have on reading the first six verses?
  3. Describe what it means to be jealous?
  4. How is God jealous?
  5. Jonah had been used by God to convert the whole of Nineveh, a few hundred years later and there are few believer left. What can we learn from this as we look at our own society?
  6. In which ways is this chapter comforting to believers?
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A Study on Colossians 2:9-14

Some study questions based on the sermon Do You Have Real Peace?

  1. Read Colossians 2:8-14
  2. Verse 8 – How might we be captured, and by what kinds of empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense?
  3. Verses 9 & 10 – Why is it crucial that we see and believe the truth that Christ is both completely man and completely God? Also what does it mean, “that you are complete by your union with God“?
  4. Verses 11 & 12 – Discuss what we heard in the sermon about these verses on circumcision and baptism. How might we overstate or understate the importance of a public declaration of faith in baptism?
  5. Verses 13 & 14 – Pastor says, “These are powerful statements and if taken to heart will have a profound affect on the believer” Do you agree, if so (or not) why, and what difference is it going to have on your life with Christ?
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Election Resources

If you’re wondering what all the parties and policies are all about in the upcoming Election, here are some information sources and resources looking at the election from a Christian perspective:



  • This is a really helpful briefing from the Christian Institute :Election Briefing
  • Not sure which candidates are standing? check here: Who are my candidates?
  • Want to know which questions to ask your candidates? Again the Christian Institute have provided a great resource Question cards
  • Christian Concern have their Election Page here :Power of the Cross
  • The three Christian sections of the three main parties have got together to promote Christians in politics  no matter the colour they represent! Christians in politics
  • The Evangelical Alliance has an Election Site: https://election.eauk.org
  • Check how your MP has voted on moral issues: How has my MP voted?
  • This is the UK Parliament Election Page which provides details on the nitty gritty of how it all works – If you’re a political nerd like me you might like it… UK Parliament – Election 2017


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