Such Authority!

A Study on Mark 1:21-45 based on the sermon: Authority!

  1. Imagine the scene in the in the Synagogue as Jesus joins the regular crowd. What was different about the way He taught?
  2. Discuss Demons, being possessed and what that means. Are Christians possessed? Discuss your answers.
  3. Why don’t we hear of people being possessed today?
  4. We see Jesus healing many people. Does He still heal today? If so why isn’t everyone healed?
  5. Talk through the lepers request, Jesus response and the Lepers response to being healed.
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A Study on Mark 1:1-20

If you missed the sermon, here’s the link: Don’t Mend Your Nets!

Reading Mark 1:1-20.

  1. What do we know about Mark, who was he, why was he writing and who to, when was he writing?
  2. What was John the Baptist doing and why? Discuss what it must have been like to have been around with him?
  3. Why was Jesus baptised? Discussed what happened when He was.
  4. Mark hardly mentions the temptations, but He mentions enough to tell us the important facts – what are they and what difference does it make to our understanding of Jesus?
  5. What does it mean to follow Jesus, and what might be stopping us from following Him more obediently (what kind of nets might we be mending?)
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Why Might We Not Pray?

A study based on the sermon  Is There Grass On Your Path?

  1. In the sermon we looked briefly at the following scriptures: James 4:1-2, Isaiah 59:1-2, 2 Chronicles 16:9a. Which other verses on prayer come to mind, when thinking about our need and reluctance to pray.
  2. Take the 5 sermon headings and talk through practical applications which we could commit to taking on board (individually and as a church). The headings were:
    1. We crowd out prayer with other things
    2. Sin separates
    3. We don’t see prayer as a relationship thing
    4. We don’t appreciate the massive importance of the facts that prayer prepares us for spiritual warfare. And prayer is spiritual warfare.
    5. We think we can handle things ourselves
  3. Spend some time praying for each other.


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God is Jealous – how does that work?

A study on Nahum Chapter 1.

This study is based on the sermon: Is God Really Jealous?

  1. How familiar are the group with this book? Why do you think that is?
  2. What are the first thoughts you have on reading the first six verses?
  3. Describe what it means to be jealous?
  4. How is God jealous?
  5. Jonah had been used by God to convert the whole of Nineveh, a few hundred years later and there are few believer left. What can we learn from this as we look at our own society?
  6. In which ways is this chapter comforting to believers?
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