A study on ‘The Good Life’

Here are Russell’s questions on Colossians 3:1-17. based on his sermon  The Good Life

  1. What does Paul mean by “set your sights on the realities of heaven?”
  2. What misconceptions does the world have about heaven, including us?
  3. Explain what is meant by ‘hidden in Christ’? V3
  4. Why is it important to get rid of our old nature ? Give an example, if you can, the types of things that you once loved.
  5. Where do you find your identity? And how does knowing Christ change that?
  6. What does it mean to live the good life in Christ Jesus? Healthy eating, being self-sufficient or something entirely different?
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Election Resources

If you’re wondering what all the parties and policies are all about in the upcoming Election, here are some information sources and resources looking at the election from a Christian perspective:



  • This is a really helpful briefing from the Christian Institute :Election Briefing
  • Not sure which candidates are standing? check here: Who are my candidates?
  • Want to know which questions to ask your candidates? Again the Christian Institute have provided a great resource Question cards
  • Christian Concern have their Election Page here :Power of the Cross
  • The three Christian sections of the three main parties have got together to promote Christians in politics  no matter the colour they represent! Christians in politics
  • The Evangelical Alliance has an Election Site: https://election.eauk.org
  • Check how your MP has voted on moral issues: How has my MP voted?
  • This is the UK Parliament Election Page which provides details on the nitty gritty of how it all works – If you’re a political nerd like me you might like it… UK Parliament – Election 2017


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A DIY Study on Luke 14: 25-35

This week, instead of working through a list of questions set for you, read the passage ( Luke 14: 25-35) and then phrase by phrase, as a group explain it together, and to each other.

If you missed Dave’s sermon here’s the link – Jesus demands we give Him everything

After your study please take some time to pray: for each other, our fellowship and Sierra Leone.

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Zephaniah 3 – A study

The sermon for Zephaniah 3 can be found here: What a way to end!

  1. Looking at verses 1-7 look at and list all the sins and consider how they were sins against God.
  2. Consider what relevance these verses have for us: a) as a church and b) as individuals.
  3. Verses 8-20 – looking at these verses, discuss which of these prophecies has been fulfilled by Christ and which are still to come.
  4. Verses 8-20 – how many times does God say ‘I will?’ talk through each of these and consider the relevance for us today.
  5. Please take some time to pray for us as a fellowship using Psalm 127 1 as a lead in to prayer.
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