A study on Colossians 1:24-29

This study is based on the sermon Nothing New Here!

  1. Read Colossians 1:24-29; what are your first thoughts?
  2. Paul says he is glad to suffer and that he is participating in the sufferings of Christ [cf. 2 Corinthians 11:23-27]. Talk through what he means and how we should apply this in our lives.
  3. Paul is at pains to make clear that he is a servant for God. Discuss why it is important that we understand this and live it out.
  4. What does it mean to preach the whole gospel and how do we do it?
  5. God’s wisdom and strength are the key to Paul’s service – are we working, serving and living in His strength, power and wisdom? what difference does it make?
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A Study on Colossians 1:1-14

This study is based on the two sermons below and so it would be beneficial to have heard them prior to the study:

This is Amazing Grace

How do I know what God wants me to do?

  1. What do we know about this letter (why and when did Paul write etc.), Colossae, and the Colossian church?
  2. Read the passage: Colossians 1:1-14
  3. Work through the passage again – slowly, paying particular attention to what it teaches us about prayer. Which aspects of Paul’s approach to prayer might be missing in our prayer lives? Discuss and then consider how this can be put right.
  4. How can we know the will of God? Discuss this question in some depth, it’s a major topic amongst Christians today, yet the answer is plain and simple, so why do we still struggle.
  5. Please take some time together praying for each other and the wider fellowship; that we may know more and more of Jesus in our lives.
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Zephaniah 3 – A study

The sermon for Zephaniah 3 can be found here: What a way to end!

  1. Looking at verses 1-7 look at and list all the sins and consider how they were sins against God.
  2. Consider what relevance these verses have for us: a) as a church and b) as individuals.
  3. Verses 8-20 – looking at these verses, discuss which of these prophecies has been fulfilled by Christ and which are still to come.
  4. Verses 8-20 – how many times does God say ‘I will?’ talk through each of these and consider the relevance for us today.
  5. Please take some time to pray for us as a fellowship using Psalm 127 1 as a lead in to prayer.
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Study Questions: Zephaniah 2

A study on the sermon: Hunted down Chapter 2 of Zephaniah

  1. Discuss the first three verses of the chapter, specifically look at and talk through the following phrases – how might they apply to us today?:
  1. verse 1 “Gather together—yes, gather together…”
  2. verse 2 “the fierce fury of the Lord falls and the terrible day of the Lord’s anger”
  3. verse 3  “Seek the Lord”,
  4. Verse 3 all who are humble, and follow his commands.
  5. Verse 3 “Seek to do what is right and to live humbly. Perhaps even yet the Lord will protect you
  1. Take the rest of the chapter and look at the individual ‘judgement oracles’, consider:
  1. the different directions mentioned,
  2. the sins mentioned
  3. the warnings given
  4. which of the prophecies were fulfilled and which are yet to come
  5. does any of this passage equate with what’s going on in the Middle East today?


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