Watch Out! – Week of Prayer Day 4; 2018

“But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.”

Deuteronomy 4:9

The importance of sharing the truth of God with the next generation was made clear to Israel. Were we inspired to write these words today, we would have no doubt written them in CAPITALS, underlined and bold. Look at the urgency in this verse – watch out!

As that need was urgent in Old Testament days, it is urgent now. Israel was (and is!) surrounded by hostile and ungodly nations, and hostile and ungodly influences were bombarding them from the world around them. Today the church is bombarded by the same influences – God is a God of love and justice: He knows very well the temptations that will come to water down His word to be ‘more palatable’ to those around who want to continue living rebellious lives, He knows of the lies the enemy will weave to lure future generations to step away from the truth of His word, a little here and a little there… He knows that without good examples, without lives lived showing His Grace and Mercy in action, without firm discipline and full love, children will be left to wander away from Him.

Today, let us give thanks to The Lord for our church family, and lift the children entrusted to us to Him in prayer, and let us, as a church family, recommit ourselves to Him, asking Him to help us to be sure to share His word, show His love, and teach of His righteousness and justice. We must too give thanks for our human families, pray for marriages and relationships within our church, and ask Him to enrich us by His Spirit as we seek to live obediently by His grace, showing Him in our lives to this generation and the next.


Children’s Prayer Activity

Day 4

Thank God for the family you are part of and for your church family. Why not draw a

picture/take a photo of your family and use it as you pray to God today.


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Final greetings, anything to learn?

A study based on the Sermon : Top (Teamwork Obedience and Prayer) Christians 

  1. Looking back at the whole book of Colossians, what are the key points?
  2. What can we learn about ministry from verses 7&8?
  3. What is Paul’s attitude to imprisonment? What might we learn from that?
  4. Mark’s clearly part of the team, but what can we learn about his ‘backstory’? [Acts 12.25; 13:13; 15:38-39]. How should we learn from what we see of Mark’s journey in faith and ministry?
  5. Verse 12 – prayer what does praying earnestly mean?
  6. Verse 14 – what do we know about both Demas and Luke [from further study in the NT]?
  7. Discuss how verse 17 might apply to us.
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Election Resources

If you’re wondering what all the parties and policies are all about in the upcoming Election, here are some information sources and resources looking at the election from a Christian perspective:



  • This is a really helpful briefing from the Christian Institute :Election Briefing
  • Not sure which candidates are standing? check here: Who are my candidates?
  • Want to know which questions to ask your candidates? Again the Christian Institute have provided a great resource Question cards
  • Christian Concern have their Election Page here :Power of the Cross
  • The three Christian sections of the three main parties have got together to promote Christians in politics  no matter the colour they represent! Christians in politics
  • The Evangelical Alliance has an Election Site:
  • Check how your MP has voted on moral issues: How has my MP voted?
  • This is the UK Parliament Election Page which provides details on the nitty gritty of how it all works – If you’re a political nerd like me you might like it… UK Parliament – Election 2017


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Zephaniah 3 – A study

The sermon for Zephaniah 3 can be found here: What a way to end!

  1. Looking at verses 1-7 look at and list all the sins and consider how they were sins against God.
  2. Consider what relevance these verses have for us: a) as a church and b) as individuals.
  3. Verses 8-20 – looking at these verses, discuss which of these prophecies has been fulfilled by Christ and which are still to come.
  4. Verses 8-20 – how many times does God say ‘I will?’ talk through each of these and consider the relevance for us today.
  5. Please take some time to pray for us as a fellowship using Psalm 127 1 as a lead in to prayer.
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